Saturday, August 22, 2009

We've Moved!!!

We were getting ready!

Sarah Battaglia – owner of the new ScrapHappy store was painstakingly coordinating (and inputting, too!) the inventory of each and every product in the entire store into a brand new Point of Sale system. Inventory had to be completed prior to the move date. In addition, she was coordinating a crew of staff members, friends and volunteers, standing by to move the entire store just a mere three doors down. You might think that the short distance would make this a not-so-difficult task. (i.e., no moving vans, and no mileage.) Sounds simple? Not! “The Avenue” was littered with Disney stickers & embellies as the afternoon San Bruno winds blew in!

Meanwhile, at the new place, Chris Hart (General Contractor and Sarah’s husband) was orchestrating all the hammering, painting, electrical, lighting, flooring and all other remodeling minutia. Both teams of folks worked until the wee hours in the morning to meet the move-in grand re-opening deadline. Whew! Even amongst all the turmoil & turbulence, owners, staff members, & volunteers, got it done!

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